One-stop marketing designed to be:
Headache-free & heart-centered
Less shot-in-the-dark, more bullseye

marketing, graphic design, & wordsmithery

Artist at heart. Weaver of words. Grammar snob.

I'm the one-stop-shop virtual marketing department for small businesses that have been suffering through DIY-itis! Now is the time for you to get cured…and to remember what it’s like to sleep again. In a world where people no longer think grammar is that important and assume they are fine squeaking by with haphazard marketing, in swoops a cape-donning heroine with a child on her back. And red lipstick. Don’t forget the lipstick.
I've been full-on in my business for 10 years, and this is how I make my living, so you know your success means my own. Before that, I worked in corporate/retail marketing while freelancing on the side. My skills are a combo of self-taught and on-the-job, and I take a lot of pride in that. My mom had her own design business, and I learned a lot from her as well. My entrepreneurial parents helped me form the business idea for what I have now when I was a pre-teen, as evidenced by this semi-embarrassing excerpt from a middle school report. Now I'm a mom to my own amazing pre-teen (yes, the picture here is old, but it's difficult and beautiful all at once admitting she's older) and doing what I love. I believe life's too short to do anything you hate.
Advertising receives a lot of criticism, but done the right way, it has the power to compel people, and I have always been fascinated by this impact when it's genuine. When all you have to see is a logo or even sometimes a particular color to make you instantly recognize the advertiser, you know they've achieved something amazing. And just as there is power in advertising, there is a beautiful power in the written word. Good writing makes people connect with you, especially when it stands out in a crowd of overstated copy promising the world while full of typos. I just want to tell your story honestly and help you do what you're called to do.

Outside of work and momming, I have a bevy of pets (emotional support animals in the truest sense) - 3 dogs, a cat, and a guinea pig that we love and are obsessed with. I'm a musician, mostly a singer. I also draw/illustrate, paint, sculpt, in any form is one of the greatest joys in my life, and I believe love and art have the power to save people because they save me daily. My work is an extension of that.
P.S. This side of my business is more geared toward entrepreneurs and small businesses. If you have a larger firm that is more corporate/professional services in nature, check out my agency for that called Jenesis Marketing.